Saturday, 10 November 2012

CPR- Major Project Outline and First Thoughts

For our Major Project Research we will be looking into a specific path within a genre we are inspired from. At first glance this seems a little difficult. Susannah has told us the work load will be huge and that we will have to put a lot of research into our work. So far I have almost froze on this side of the work, although I have borrowed: 'Film Genre: Hollywood and Beyond' (Langford), 'Film Genre: from iconography to ideology' (Keith Grant) and 'Thrillers' (Rubin). I hope that these books can inspire inspiration. Although I have looked at different genres such as musicals and dramas I feel that I should really stay away from these as I am creating a musical for my final drama piece and afraid that I may get caught up in the same style of musicals in both modules. I think my best bet is Thrillers as this is a genre that I am most interested in as well as the genre with most history, therefore there is bound to be some sort of specific path that I can take within this side of film. I hope to go into films like Crime thrillers as this is somwthing that I enjoy especially with a twist at the end. I have recently watched skyfall and thought this was a good inspiration within the thriller genre. I will be looking into this more.

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