Sunday, 18 November 2012

Practice Project- Set Layout and Shotlist

This is the floorplan for our set. We designed the look of the set, where all the props will go as well as the camera shots we will have for the final piece. This is the final visualising piece of pre production before we do our first shooting on a green screen. As a group we sat down and discussed this plan to allow ourselves to know what we are doing as well as easily explain where the cinematographers need to record. I hope this piece looks good at the end. Also as a producer of the project I looked at all the things that may or may not be realistic in this piece. As you can see down the bottom of this picture it says 'tape hand to leg'. We may not be able to find a chair with arms therefore we have decided to tape the tortured mans arm to his leg to make it easy for the woman to cut his finger off as well as make it easy to put the latex glove somewhere resting as we cut the finger off.
As you can see we have a few different shots here and here is the finalised shotlist:

-Track out shot/ Mid Shot/ Close Up on Mark (All in one shot)
-Shot behind torture table establishing fire behind woman
-Close Up on finger being cut off
-Close Up on gas canister and cigarette
-Tracking shot around half of chair as woman walks in Mid Shot

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