Sunday, 18 November 2012

Major Research project- Initial Planning- Psycho (1960, Hitchcock)

After looking into the 'twist' thrillers I want to research I came across Psycho. I have viewed this film before but did not click at first. This is an extremely good movie to begin researching as it started the 'twist' thrillers off.
Psycho is based on a novel by Robert Bloch of the same name that follows a woman who steals $40,000 from her employers client. After she runs away she encounters a young man called Norman Bates who owns a hotel she stays in. Soon to find out that Norman as too long been controlled by his mother. The film ends in a shocking twist that is dramatically revealed. This was the first of it's kind and is Hitchcock's most renowned film.
I think this film is great for the initial planning as this is the first film of it's kind to have the elements that are now used to inspire films such as Fight Club (1999, Fincher), and Shutter Island (2010, Scorsese). This is really usful as I can find contemporary articles and books looking into the film and how it is used as inspiration. It will also make it easier to find articles that will explain to me the theories behind this certain type of film as well as lead me to other articles or books related to this subject that will explain to me in more depth what I am looking for. I hope to begin by finding a wider selection of films that have this same element of 'twist' thriller then look into these films in more details to find what is needed to create such a successful piece.

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