Sunday, 18 November 2012

Inspiration for Major Research Project- Skyfall (2012, Mendes)

After watching Skyfall at the cinema on it's release day I thought it was definitely an initial bit of inspiration to help me begin my Creative Project Realisation Major Project Research. Directed by Sam Mendes this film has a certain detachment from the bond we are used to. However as the film itself this is a great Thriller/Action that has helped me to gain an insight into the kind of film I want to look into.

The film is a spy thriller. It has specific elements of a thriller and is unique because of the character and the spy feel to it. Bond is really the developing film collection that has introduced the way spy thrillers are made now. For examle the use of high tech gadgets have become widely used in spy thrillers such as Mission Impossible (1996). This shows how films develop there own element of sub genre and we as an audience can quickly find out what sort of film we are watching just from the distinctive parts in the film such as music, lighting, mise-en scene and props, editing and more. I will be careful when using this in my own major research project.

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