Wednesday 12 December 2012

'Twist' Thrillers

The genre is exactly how it's described. It's a thriller that has a major twist in the plotline that changes your perception of the character. There are loads of huge films that have this specific sort of genre and are extremely popular for 18-24 year old males. For example The Usual Suspects (Singer, 1995) is the story of how five criminals were killed by the dreaded Keyser Soze told by Roger 'Verbal' Kint. The audience perception is twisted by the story and only at the end do we really realise who 'Verbal' Kint is. The audience love this film as it brings two different perspectives to the watching of this film. Therefore you could never knowingly watch it from the same angle after you've watched it the first time. Another example is Fight Club (Fincher, 1999). The Narrator played by Edward Norton is someone that we think we know quite well throughout the film however the ending shows just how much we really know as his alter ego is revealed and we are shown where the control reall lies.
The theme of control is a central development of these sort of films. The audience is controlled by the director as he hides the truth from them until the end as well as control from within the story, such as 'Verbal' Kint controlling what he tells the police in The Usual Suspects (Singer, 1995), or even the pschological control that Norman Bates' mother has over him in Psycho (Hitchcock, 1960) even after she has died and he is left mentally scarred. Control will be the theme I really focus on within my piece due to the way all these films convey it in their stories. My character will be affected deeply by control and I hope to show his psychological scarring from this such as in Shutter Island (Scorsese, 2010) where we are tricked into the reality that Teddy has throughout the film even though we know things aren't quite right due to the flashbacks. I am looking to incorporate flashbacks into mine. This is because my piece will have to be a short piece and therefore we will not get a lot of time to introduce the character properly and for a genre style like this I think a well formed character is what makes a great ending.

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