Thursday 20 December 2012

CPR Proposal- Synopsis final

Detective Eddie Norman a plainclothes private eye detective runs through the maze of 1952, New York Rooftops at the dead of night as Eddie chases a Villain in dangerous territory. The villain, an armed and dangerous robber holds a brown crosshatch sack so full of bank notes that they are overflowing from out of the sack and flying into the misty night air. He slows more and more, closer into the reach of Eddie’s hands but still to far for him to grasp. Eddie is dressed in noir plainclothes uniform, a brown trench coat, suit, a hat and a bright red tie to make the formality all the more striking. The villain is dressed all in black, black jacket, black formal trousers and has his face covered by a black balaclava. Paper notes continue to escape into the air as he desperately tries to escape. Eddie strides closer fearlessly following the villain, jumping over a high ledge just making it to the other side. He lands, rolling on impact and fires shots at the villain narrowly missing the target, bullets ricocheting past his head, hitting a ventilation shaft and a wooden emergency door instead.

Reluctantly Eddie follows on making up for the time stopped. He takes a diversion by swinging on a loose wire to the next ledge that the villain is already made it to. Eddie takes a blind fire at the villain; the bullet hits the money sack making money fly’s everywhere. The villain holds onto the money sack with money now flying everywhere. Still the villain keeps running through the rooftops as Eddie begins to trail behind.

Finally the villain stops at the end of the last rooftop. He looks over the edge to see police back up waiting down on the ground, a spot light aiming up toward him. A dead end. Eddie approaches the scene holding his gun to the villain. He aims and takes a fire at him pretty much immediately; it hit’s his chest. The villain looks at his chest and falls to his knees, he throws the money sack over the side of the building notes flying everywhere. He rips off his balaclava revealing Eddie’s face. He is Eddie. Detective Eddie looks in disbelief then looks down at his own chest, it begins to bleed rapidly and he clenches it as he falls to his knees. They are now both on their knees looking at each other.  The villain smiles at him then leans back with force throwing himself over the side of the building, falling to his death. Detective Eddie is left for a few seconds realising his impending death, a few seconds that feels like a lifetime. Everything slows down as he shares the Villains impact. Eddie smashes onto the rooftop floor with such force he is killed instantly.

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