Thursday 20 December 2012

Major Project Research, Fluid movement style- The Spirit (Miller, 2008)

The Spirit has majorly influenced my style for my developing project. This is because of the similar distinctive neo noir style used in Sin City but most of all on the way the movement of the spirit is shot in the film. The top picture is a perfect example of how I imagine Eddie Norman, my character to run. I have very much used The Spirit character as a mould in which to build my main character as I wanted to convey similar conventions of what the spirit represents onto Eddie, obviously they have a lot of difference for example Eddie is a detective and middle aged, he struggles to obtain the same amount of fitness as the villain in my story and is a lot more dangerous than The Spirit in the sense of Eddie being out of control, willing to shoot someone just to stop him commiting a crime again, wiping clean the city by bringing himself to their level, he is almost one of them.
The main source of inspiration in this film is the fluid capture movement in this film, this is green screened and has a graphic novel approach where everything seems surreal in this film the top picture is how I imagine some of my shots to be like except the shot a lot closer to the character. At the end I imagine a similar shot to the second one as Eddie walks from the darkness shooting the villain. The scene is also an influential style on what I imagine in my film. The mist rising on the rooftops obstacles scattered around obscuring maze of rooftops that is still left and dangerous ledges scattered around. This surreal world is a perfect image for where I would like to place the story.

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