Thursday 20 December 2012

Major Project Research- Soundtrack

When researching the films that most suited the film I wanted to convey there was only one track that I thought would properly convey the mood i was looking for. What mostly attracted my to this soundtrack is the similarity of inevitable hopelessness that the song brings. Although I have tagged my idea as an action drama more than a thriller now I still think that it has a lot of thriller elements that can't be missed especially the ending as it raises tension. This soundtrack is the perfect tool to do that, it raises tension extremely well and can even be played at the end when all is revealed as this still captures the mood of surprise.
The soundtrack is very simple and has been hailed by critics for making Shutter Island a commercial success. This soundtrack is widely recognised and I think as I am aiming for a neo noir style action thriller the track will only help give the isolation of the character who sits on the boundaries of good or bad a boost for the audience to get the emotion I aim for them to have. As I am not planning to put in any dialogue as well this soundtrack will say it all for me.

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