Thursday 20 December 2012

Major Project Research influence- Sin City (Miller, 2005)

Sin City has a very specific visual style that I have recently researched in more detail. Sin City is a graphic novel adaptation straight from three books create by Frank Miller; 'The hard Goodbye', 'The Big Fat Kill' and 'That Yellow Bastard'. Robert Rodriguez described the story as 'a translation, not an adaptation' (IMDB, 2011) therefore they have clearly tried to create the same style as the comic. This meant the film was shot nearly entirely on green screen rather than using real locations as they tried to fit it in so much with the image of Frank Miller. This is an interesting way of doing things as although it was very time consuming for the post production, the over shooting would have been a lot more controlled and it would be a lot easier to create and exact visualisation of what they would want on literally a blank canvas.

Also another interesting component of Sin City is it's palette in the final film. They render most of the film black and white except for a few reds and yellows throughout the film. The reds are used to show the danger and are used as clear connotations throughout, however for me this rendering is extremely interesting as it gives the film a unique style that ended up with the production company winning a Technical grand prize at Cannes Film Festival. I am intrigued on this neo noir style and will use this as a final influence on my proposal.

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