Thursday 20 December 2012

Major Project Research- Colour Palette

Colours I want to use in my final piece are fairly easy, after researching into Sin City I have decided I will only use three colours used in a monocrome sense to give a distinctive style to the audience watching, I aim to show it is neo noir but will have to achieve this further with other production components such as lighting and costume.
So these are the colours I will use:

 White: The colour evokes purity and spiritualness. White is considered the purist of all colours as it is colourless. It contrasts with most colours and can oppose almost all other colours.
Black: Black contrasts well with white. Black and white films are considered old now however arthouse films often use black and white to convey duality in their films. This is what I aim to do when filming as duality is a crucial part of the plotline in this film. I hope the monocrome colouring will emphasise the ending more as well as emphasise the connotations of the next colour.

Red: The connotations of this colour have become widely recognised in film ever since colour films first began. Red stands for passion and danger. It is also a strong blood colour used in a lot of action films. I will use red in this film just as Sin City (Miller, 2005) and The Spirit (Miller, 2008) does. Eddie's tie will be rendered red and so will the blood when either character is shot. I think this will give a unique neo noir style but with a twist.

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