Thursday 20 December 2012

Major Project Research- The Structual Model of Personality (Kendra Cherry,2012)

'The Id, ego and super-ego" (Cherry, 2012) 
This is the crucial part of the mind that forms the bahaviour of your personality, it is considered the "promary component of your personality" (Cherry, 2012). They work together to create what you allow yourself to do and what you don't almost like your conscience. The Id is your instinctive part of your personality that you are born with, "If the infant is hungry or uncomfortable, he or she will cry until the demands of the id are met" (Cherry, 2012). Then the ego is responsible for allowing the id to get what it wants only in the socially appropriate place, for example if the child is crying they will cry only to their mother or someone they know. Finally the super-ego is "the aspect of personality that holds all of our internalized moral standards and ideals that we aquire from both parents and society" (Cherry, 2012).

These three components make up your personality and two of them are developed to tell you what we think as good and bad, This got me thinking about how your mind is obviously in a constant battle to tell you what is acceptable and what isn't. For example if you were to step in a shop to buy something and you had no money but was extremely hungry your id would tell you you need this food but your ego and super-ego would tell you that it is wrong to steal and therefore you cannot. So this is almost a way of pychoanalysing your conscience and moral questioning in daily life. Your mind battles itself to make you make the correct decision in daily life and forces you to consider the consequences of your actions through previous experiences or how you have been raised both socially and by your parents. So what about this inner battle being a story. The line betweenwhat is right and what is wrong visually enacted by two opposite characters, this seems like a good start for a short film as this can quickly be established in action and be entertaining for an audience as it suites their own personality! They would be naturally attracted to an idea like this without even knowing why! That is, if this Freaudian theory is correct.

Kendra Cherry; The Structual Model of Personality;

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