Wednesday 19 December 2012

Major Project Research Inspiration- Fight Club (Fincher, 1999)

Fight Club's genius is behind the corruption of capitalist society and the views and opinions expressed through it. It's use of characters are seen as strong representations of anti-capitalist figures that are used to change the way the viewer views their own life. Fight Club for me however is a specific inspiration because of it's commercial success from the entertainment perspective. For example when it was advertised it was mistakenly advertised to a boxing audience on sports channels building the 'buzz' expected from such films as Warrior (O'Connor, 2011) or Rocky (Avildsen, 1976). Fight Club's twist is one of surprise to every viewer and dominates the control of this film (literally). You cannot view this film twice with the same perception. This is what I aim for within my piece. I think the film needs to have a specific focus that an audience can relate with. A cliche action scene should create a diversion to the unexpected lurking in the foreground just as The Narrator does with Tyler Durden throughout until all is revealed.

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