Wednesday 19 December 2012

Major Project Research Inspiration- Doodlebug (Nolan, 1997))

Doodlebug is a short film by Christopher Nolan. This is one of his first ever films made when he was still in university. This is a simple short where he experiments with special effects. The film is about a man who is desperately trying to squash a bug in his room. As it runs around the room he attempts to squash it with his shoe but can't quite get it. Eventually it is revealed that he is the bug and when squashed it is repeated on him. A paradox that doesn't make sense but the audience suspend their disbelief when watching it. Christopher Nolan works a lot with pushing the boundaries of audience disbelief in all his films and this is what has launched his career. The twist at the end of this film is a perfect twist to put in a short film. A simple and snappy ending that keeps the audience entertained throughout. Also something that contradicted my previous comment on my blog is the fact that a main character has to be explored and very complex within a 'Twist' thriller, Doodlebug shows that you do not need this in a film to have a good twist. Just a way to distract the viewer from what is really going to be revealed.

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