Thursday 20 December 2012

Major Project Research- Colt Detective Special

This will be the gun that Eddie uses in the film, this is because when researching typical noir guns this was the actual guns that were used in the 1940's and 50's when this film is set. This is a very typical noir style gun as you can see by the picture of Russell Crowe with the gun in his hand in L.A Confidential (Hanson, 1997). I have stayed in the comfort zone in the noir style as I wanted to make sure the audience does not pick anything unusual about the film out and can be completely immersed into this short as everything is correct and accounted for in the style it is supposed to be in. This revolver will be the one that kills the villain at the end so it has to be strong but not strong enough to blow a chunk out of his chest and kill him instantly like a magnun would. I think this is probably the perfect gun to use and still look realistic in the film.

Colt Detective Special;

L.A Confidential; 1997; Curtis Hanson;,r:69,s:0,i:297

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