Thursday 20 December 2012

Major Project Research- Character Description

Name: Detective Eddie Norman
Age: 46

Facial Description: Rugged features with a five O'Clock features, stress lines under his eyes and his eyes held open by years of heavy coffee drinking and smoking. His hair is slick, combed neatly in a side parting under his 50's hat.

Description: Eddie is a serious detective that has seen his fair share of bad experiences in the 1950's New York underworld throughout his long stretched career. His mind set on the job his failed marriage has just created more of a parting between his emotions and his job, he is purely professional. Now a private eye he keeps his formality in the clothes he wears but really he wonders in the underworld of New York bent on justice being served against those who deserve it. He dresses smart but doesn't play by the rules, he has learnt that these people need to be punished to learn to be lawful and he is the one to do it doing anything to get the job done. He has become his job and that is his life.

Clothing: He wears grey formal trousers with shiny black shoes to match. He has a suit tucked away under his grey trenchcoat and a bright red tie underneath that stands out from the rest of his clothing. He wears a hat over his slick black hair, the hat is a formal 50's noir hat with a black ribbon tied around it, Eddie is formal but his personality shows he is anything but clean.

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