Thursday 20 December 2012

Major Project Research inspiration- The Last Child (John Hart, 2009)

This is a book I read recently in which striked a definite inspiration into me for my project. The book is based around a missing childs case; Alyssa Merrimon and her desperate brothers and a obsessed detectives attempt to find her. The genius behind the book is both the tension which is kept chapter after chapter and the world in which John Hart has created for the characters to dwell in. It is a town of hopelessness, dark, faded beauty lives here and this desolate town is a perfect metaphor for the characters jurney and the plotline as it unfolds. The book is essentially a tragedy as at the end all hope is struck down and the story only resolved by the culprate being captured. I think the world Hart has developed here is brilliant for what I would like to capture in my story. It is dark and isolated, derelict in most places, everything is designed to raise tension for the audience as they visualise it. Night time is a big part of the book as wel, this is where most of the action happens and where most of the evil takes place, I think for noir type films this is also evident as the silhouetted figure is a big part of the noir component. A world like the one described in The Last Child is a perfect metaphor to put my characters created from the structual model of the personality!

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